Construction Safety Tips for The Upcoming Fall Season

August 17, 2022

Construction jobsites always impose general risks to the health and well-being of workers. It is crucial to take all safety precautions seriously, and proactively implement measures to mitigate them. With autumn upon us and winter right behind, there are a few additional construction safety concerns to consider in keeping workers safe.

Unpredictable Weather Conditions

Weather changes happen quickly. During the fall, it is common for temperatures to fluctuate drastically from one day to the next. Working outside on a construction site means you will need to be prepared to face any weather-related changes to maintain efficient and safe production.

When the temperature drops, there are necessary steps you will need to take to keep a healthy crew:

  • Providing shelter from inclement weather. Even an enclosed construction tent can give your crew a break and a chance to warm up on frigid days.
  • Require your crew to bring heavy, warm gear, just in case.
  • Educate your crew on safety measures and the danger signs of too much exposure to inclement weather.

Excessive Moisture

Excess moisture is one of the hazards brought about by the coming of autumn. In construction sites, mud could affect the mobility of workers and equipment. Pools of water could pose a considerable risk if it is necessary to set up ladders to access elevated areas; even wet scaffolding increases the likelihood of falls that may lead to an injury.

Revisit Safety Standards

Take the opportunity to refresh your workers’ knowledge of safety standards. Because of the increased risk of accidents during this season, ensuring everyone is aware of safety standards and practices is vital. It’s important to discuss the proper use of protective gear and equipment. You could also educate your workers on the correct procedure for checking fall-arrest systems. Finally, ensure everyone knows how to identify and address malfunctions and potential problems.

Clean and Store Materials and Equipment Properly

Material and equipment that are improperly cleaned and stored can affect the quality and structural integrity. This, in turn, could result in long-term damage and accidents, particularly with materials such as metal and wood. Poorly kept construction equipment is also prone to malfunctions, which entails added risk. Properly cleaning your equipment and storing it along with your materials in dry, safe places will prevent damage and loss of revenue.

During the autumn months, it’s easy for your equipment to collect mud, grime, leaves, and other debris. Be sure to clean your tools and equipment thoroughly at the end of each day to remove residue and prevent rust. Bitu-Ox™ is the perfect solution for all your equipment cleaning needs. Bitu-Ox™ is an industrial-strength cleaner that will leave your tools shining like new and equipment running at peak performance, lessening the chances of malfunctions. Our unique 400 formula also doubles as a heavy lubricant that removes rust and leaves a protective coating to prevent future rust corrosion.

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